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澳门太阳城集团娱乐城推荐大丰收娱乐城 (中国)·官方网站

our services

To be successful in global sourcing you want to work with an organization experienced in making the same kinds of parts you need.
We call it a good match. You call it a good decision.

product center

Types of Project We Supply Parts for: Valve Manufacturing,
Pump Manufacturing, Pipe Fitting, Hydrant, Motor Housing, Heavy Truck/Forklift.

why choose us

We welcome the opportunity to work with you.
Matson,we work harder and smarter so our customers never have to worry.

  • High quality

    Quality is one of our key differentiators in a crowded market. We are fully versed in international quality practices and standards without any compromise on quality......learn more >

  • Professional Knowledge

    Our Precision Engineering Specialists bring your designs to life and create the best solutions for your business. We have extensive industry knowledge can manufacture......learn more >

  • Cutting Edge Technology

    In addition to the abundance of knowledge and expertise, we also apply state-of-the-art software and world-class machines made by the finest builders like DMG......learn more >

  • One Stop Shop

    For every metal part you need, we work seamlessly with strategic partners to fulfill machining capabilities and supply chain capabilities covering castings, forgings and......learn more >

  • Efficient Communication

    We communicate on your part needs more clearly and efficiently because we think and know your expectations standing in your shoes with many years’ experiences in......learn more >

  • Our Faith

    We made in faith, whether in the past or future, we will devote ourselves to industrial component manufacturing as long as the market needs our value......learn more >

Read Our Customer Testimonials

Our clients are our partners and we can not imagine a better future for
our company without helping them reach their objectives

""It’s a pleasure for us to inform you that, in 2023 you were a supplier with an excellent rating of 97%, we hope that in this new year we can continue to strengthen our business relationship.""

————Michael,Sourcing Director

"Thank you. Your team has been very supportive. Lisa is amazing and on task. "

————Senior Engineer of an Communication Technology Company

"Matson has been a primary supplier for casting needs for 12 years, every aspect of doing business with Matson is top rate. From quality to customer service, it is a pleasure working with a competent & capable organization such as Matson"

————J.C., Purchasing Manager

"From first unit proof of concept to quick production multiple part deliveries Matson continues to be a cut above project expectations, excellent in keeping a strong communication loop, very reliable in scheduled delivery dates, and above all a company that considers high quality a required deliverable."

————N.B., Senior Mechanical Engineer

"More than happy with all aspects of Matson's performance. Keep doing what you have been doing - Quality castings on time - more foundries should operate as you do. All 10's."

————B.S., Purchasing Manager

"Matson has established themselves as a source that can consistently attain the lead time and quality level that I require. The knowledgeable staff and dependable service make them a business partner that I can depend on with our most important project needs."

————G.T., General Manager

"Very Satisfied – Excellent Quality, On-Time Delivery, Competitive Pricing. Keep doing what you're doing – it's working!."

————P.G., Mechanical Engineer

"we are very happy to work with Matson. You are one of the best manufactures that I work with."

————VL, Brad

"The important thing is that we see in your company a great attention and support."

————FB, Purchasing Manager

"Please send our deepest respect and apprciate to your team. They have done an outstanding job. We are gratefule for all everyone for making this a success."

————RW, Engineer


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